
I think the leangains website coined and popularized this term in the context of weight training more than a decade ago. Ever seen people who religiously hit the gym 3-4 times every week for years, yet struggle to show progress? Do give this post a read if you are into weight training. I would say fuckarounditis…

Pivotal trends?

This one is about possible pivotal events/trends that may well shape things in the years to come in their respective domains.  Purely speculative, but wouldn’t that apply to all forward-looking statements? The rise of the right wing across the developed world Trump surprised everyone in 2016 but could not consolidate in 2020. But he still…

“You see it, Watson? You see it?”

One of more interesting Sherlock Holmes stories is “The adventure of the speckled band”.  For those of you who haven’t read it, a very aggressive and dangerous man chooses an off beat way of getting his immediate family killed so that he can take over the entire family estate. He uses a poisonous serpent to…

Insulting yet inspiring

Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992 – One of the most under rated movies in my opinion.  Like The Shawshank Redemption, this was a dud when it released but has since gone on to become a cult classic. But then this blog is not about movies, underrated or not. This blog is about investing for the most…

Unlearn and discard

Learn new skills, new techniques, new mental models and what not. The self-help and personal development industry bombards us with a laundry list of things we need to learn. This post however is about the part that is as important but is not given enough due. Unlearning concepts that don’t work because they aren’t grounded…

The Seneca Effect

Increases are of sluggish growth. But the way to ruin is rapid                                                          – Seneca, Roman Philosopher  At its very core the Seneca Effect is a model that proposes that decline is usually way faster than growth. I am not proficient enough to get to the math of it but let us view this as an…

The illusion of certainty

Someone, somewhere is always trying to sell the illusion of certainty. Because at a subconscious, primal level we know that certainty is a rare occurrence, especially that of the positive kind.  The most compelling sales pitches are based on either hope or the illusion of certainty. When a pitch is driven off hope, the pricing…

Musings from my 14 day quarantine

My 14 day quarantine period just ended, I did have a few symptoms though I tested negative.  For the first time in many years I went more than a week with almost nil screen time. I had all the time to think during this period, this post summarizes some of the musings that kept my…

Suboptimality and resilience

Only the optimists thrive. Only the paranoid eventually survive. The true mark of intelligence is when one can hold conflicting ideas at the same time, yet continue to function rationally. The ability to appreciate varying shades of grey is one of the surest signs of maturity. In other words, black and white thinking can be…

The power of feedback loops

What can a plane crash teach us? A lot, as it turns out, if you go into the sequence of events that led to the outcome.  Context is everything. The Air France 447 disaster in 2009 demonstrates how a particular sequence of events led to the pilots crashing a perfectly functioning Airbus into the middle…