What is the objective of this service?
This is a non-advisory service where we summarize the financial results, management commentary and qualitative inputs on all developments in the specific set of businesses that are currently under our universe of coverage.
This service is intended to be a decision support framework for investors, the objective is to help investors understand the way we analyze businesses & sectors in real time arrive at their own takeaways on how to optimize their decision making.
What do subscribers to the Quarterly Dashboard service get access to?
- Summary of the quarterly results of the businesses under coverage
- Qualitative insights on business performance, outlook, investments & capex plans
- Notes on “how we see the sector right now” from the Congruence Advisers team
Is the coverage universe static or does it change with time?
The set of businesses covered as part of this service is not static and will keep changing and evolving with the market texture. Please note that the Quarterly Dashboard exercise is one of the most important inputs to our own internal decision-making on where we see opportunities & risks in the market right now.
The final decision the set of businesses that are covered will rest with Congruence Advisers. Since we have every incentive to do our best on the equity advisory service (where investors evaluate us based on the performance), the intent is to only broaden the coverage over time.
What sources do we rely on to offer commentary on the individual businesses?
Earnings releases, investor presentations, quarterly transcripts, and our own understanding of each business we have built over years. We have been tracking some of these businesses for more than 10 years Do note that there subjectivity and forward-looking thinking involved when we sit down to write the sector summary. As is the case with any kind of analysis, this is subject to errors that will become obvious only with the benefit of hindsight. Our analysis and commentary will contain forward looking statements, there is no assurance that the future will be in line with our assessment.
How should the sector summary & commentary be used by subscribers?
Our sources of information are in the public domain that are accessible to anyone. However, the secret sauce here is our ability and willingness to make public the way we think about businesses, sectors, and the overall market in the real time. We believe that every sector has a cycle; within each sector, every business has its own cycle. The key to medium term outperformance is the ability to keep track of and ride these mini cycles while having an accurate assessment of where we are on the cycle.
This exercise is our internal investment diary. The outcomes of this exercise every quarter shape the way we think of sector allocation and where we see opportunities and risks emerging in the market. We only wish we had access to something like this years ago, where one could get access to the thought process of investors who have a good track record. Hopefully the nuanced, active investor who is willing to take charge of his own portfolio will see the value of this service
Is the service customizable?
This is a standardized service, there is no customization possible under this service. Please note that the analysis and sector summary we present is the actual thought process and hard work of the team involved. We DO NOT use technology tools to generate the content, we are old fashioned puritans when it comes to building an analytical edge.
Does subscription to the Quarterly Dashboard include stock recommendations?
No. Whatever recommendations and research notes we provide are part of the Equity advisory service for which one needs to sign up separately. SEBI regulations prohibit us from onboarding and accepting payments digitally for any equity advisory/research service.
In case you have some questions that need clarifications, please feel free to reach us at info@congruenceadvisers.com