A tale of two cycles

From 2011 till about 2018, I was almost exclusively a small and micro cap investor.  To such an extent that the odd 12,000 Cr market company looked like a large cap compared to the rest of my portfolio. This preference of mine was due to the market conditions of the 2011-14 period and the continuation…

Active Investing and self belief

Life is like a limit function where one is always tending towards something. In the course of tending towards something, the proactive few often push themselves. A seemingly harmless by-product of this quest is the tendency to strive towards perfection; the aspiration to do everything right to the extent possible and minimize errors & detours…

The bogey of hindsight

Hindsight Bias. A well known, well documented and well understood behavioral bias. Do I have something new to offer here? Yes, personalization. There is a difference between reading about a bias in a book and experiencing it real time. The former is something one can quote in debates to appear smart; the latter teaches you…